The Essential Guide for Beginner Translators

If you are a translator at the beginning of your career, I’m sure you need the right tips to make yourself stand out from the crowd. You need to learn how to get it right from the outset, how to present yourself like a professional, and how to avoid making common mistakes and losing clients! Here you can find a few suggestions on how to take the first steps in the translation industry.

Competition is always very harsh and when you are a freelancer, things can get even harder because you need to know how to promote yourself. And before that, you need to brand yourself which is as much important as promoting yourself. By developing your own brand, you’ll have control over your potential client’s initial perception. Branding is the creation of your name and image, something unique which remains in the client’s mind.

The next step is the “Create Yourself Process“, as I call it.
To present yourself you need your business card and only with an amazing business card, you can make a good first impression on your clients. The tools you have to achieve this goal are many, but you can start with a good CV, a clear website, and a professional profile on LinkedIn.

Become a social networker, try to spend a couple of hours per week to improve your online presence on social media sites and platforms. Join professional groups on Facebook or LinkedIn and start sending emails to tell potential customers about yourself. Maybe this is the never-ending method, the most challenging one, and sometimes, the most demotivating one, because it may happen that you send hundreds of emails without any reply!

We can discuss this further and go deep into details in my Facebook private group or during my upcoming webinar “The Essential Guide for Beginner Translators”!

Legal and Technical Translations  |  Dott.ssa Antonia Tofalo  |  MCIL CL, AITI  
Court-Appointed Translator of the Court of Salerno, Italy – (n° 17/2004)
Roll of Translators and Interpreters at the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Italy – (n° 972)
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