Italian citizenship translations

Asseverazioni, legalizzazioni e apostilleIf you are a foreign citizen and you need sworn translations to apply for Italian citizenship, you will certainly be looking for an official translator who can take care of the translation of your documents.

Do you need to apply for citizenship by Ius Soli, or by Ius Sanguinis? Are you a 1948 case? No problem! After 20 years of experience I know each case very well and as a sworn translator (Italian CTU) at the Court of Salerno I can provide you with sworn translations of all the necessary documents. In addition, I can put you in touch with a lawyer specialised in immigration law to ensure that your application for citizenship is not rejected, which often happens if you do not rely on the right professionals!

Should you require further information or a non-binding offer, feel free to contact me and you will receive an answer as quickly as possible.

It’s very easy to contact me, you can do it in the following ways:

Legal and Technical Translations  |  Dott.ssa Antonia Tofalo  |  MCIL CL, AITI  
Court-Appointed Translator of the Court of Salerno, Italy – (n° 17/2004)
Roll of Translators and Interpreters at the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Italy – (n° 972)
+39 338 3846542  |
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